Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stop the insanity....

So I have been so kindly reminded again (ahem) by a fabulous girl in Florida (who shall remain nameless, but has the cutest little girl on the planet) :) that I have been slacking on passing along good info to the maybe 3 people that read my blog. So here I am.

The last two weeks of my life have been an absolute whirlwind. It started with the car accident that left me with a BRIGHT blue Chevy HHR to drive around in. Awesome. I feel like I'm in a box. But, we're not paying for a thing, so that works for me. Abby is actually being fixed, and they hope to have her back to me by next Thursday. We'll see.

I am feeling better from the accident, however, Ryan's had a few run in's with the law (think speeding tickets, not jail) so he will be in court at the end of the month for that. Awesome again.

And then there was work. I don't even know where to start on that. I was the event manager for the Johnson County Republican party watch event for the primaries on Tuesday night. I had SO much fun working with the comittee and loved planning the event. What I did not love, was the immature people EVERYWHERE. For something that was so "adult" to me, I have never, ever seen so many childish people in my entire life. **disclaimer**-I am about to go on a rampage here, so be forewarned you may not like what I have to say. In fact, I'm going out on a limb here posting things I never have before, so bear with me. And if you don't like it, I am not sorry, but feel glad knowing that you are entitled you your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. :)** Most of the actual campaigns were run by college students who were so disrespectful of me, my staff and the hotel in general. I obviously won't name names (email me and I'll fill in the blanks), but they would try and put their campaign signs up throughout the entire lobby. Like large signs, like the size of billboards. Really? Really that's okay in a hotel that just spent $22 million dollars to renovate the entire place? It's really okay to DUCT TAPE signs to the walls in the hallways upstairs? And it's super okay at midnight to walk the halls shouting your candidates name? And is it really okay for a group of protesters to come on private property and call a candidate a homosexual while his wife is standing next to him?

Let me fill you in-none of that is okay. They were insanely rude to my staff and honestly, I left that night re-thinking my position as a Rebublican. Yes, I said it. I'm a Republican. It disgusted me to see these candidates and the people they had around them. They were all immature and it scared me that they could be in an office of our government. Making decisions that affect my family. No one seemed to care that I continue to work hard and pay taxes and not go into debt, yet anyone from south of the border can walk across and have access to the same or better health care than I do for FREE. Their kids can go to school and get assistance for lunch. I can't, I "make too much money". They don't have to pay taxes. Anybody? Anybody care about that? Anybody care that everyone wants to be treated equally, but when in reality, we're not all equal. We're all different. You know, you can live your life one way and I'll live mine, that's fine. But I'm tired of the government overturning laws that were passed by the people because one person thinks it's unconstitutional. Um, is it not a democracy? Don't we get the vote and the majority rules? It's not we the people, it's "we who think we're entitled to everything". Apparently we've moved onto socialism and whatever the government wants to do, they can. Again, not sorry for the rant, but seeing the immature, silly bickering that took place on Thursday put me in a FOUL mood. Depressed actually because I worry for my childs future. And my grandchildrens' future. I do have a heart by the way, I am a pretty compassionate person and am very grateful for what I have. I do want to see people thrive, but there is a line. And to me, that line has been crossed.

Okay, deep breath. I have lots more to say about lots of things, but that was the highlights. :) You may not like it, but that's where I left on Tuesday night at midnight. Sad, tired and depressed. So, we're trying to work out of that funk. I'm praying. HARD.

And on a final note, Ryan's grandmother passed away yesterday. Grammy was such a cute lady and I am blessed to have known her for the short time I did before she fell ill from a stroke a few years ago. Grammy lived by herself in a home that she had lived in for 50+ years until she was 92. When Ryan and I were dating (SO long ago), Ryan would take me with him to visit her. The first time we visited her, we pulled into the driveway and Ry said "now, when we go in, she's going to offer you a bowl of ice cream. Say no because I guarantee you that ice cream has been in there for a year!" :) Sure enough he introduced me to her and we sat in her front "sitting room" and she said "would you two kids like a bowl of ice cream?" :) I'll never forget giggling a little inside because she was so cute. Before we got married, she told us over and over again, "you two are such a good looking couple, are you going to get married?". :) She would tell us all kinds of stories about her life and living on the Plaza in KC. Life was hard then as well and trust me, she had her opinions about things too! She taught us a lot of things and was very good to Ryan and his sister. I pray that God was with her when she passed and know her soul is with the Lord and she will be watching down on miss P as they were never able to meet.

There's more. Oh is there more. Like did I mention Paighton's walking? And can you believe that.....buuuuut that's for another time and another post. We are headed to the lake tomorrow for the 3rd annual Hillbilly BBQ. Nope, not joking. :) Good luck honey! Paighton and I are proud of you no matter what happens! You are by far the best cook we know! :)
And to end on a good note, a picture of my favorite person, Miss P. I love her. More than she will ever know. And I can't believe that in less than one month, my princess will be one. I love you sweet girl and am so BLESSED to have you as my daughter!
P.S. I PROMISE that the next post will be MUCH happier. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Family Fun Weekend....

It was Family Fun weekend this past weekend! Ryan and I both had the day off on Friday and spent the day downtown, walking through the Children's museum at Crown Center and people watching! :) It was pretty warm outside but we had a great time just spending the day together as a family.

Saturday we hit the zoo with Cousin Will and had a great time. It was HOT and muggy, but we were able to do quite a bit before some storms rolled in. We plan on going back soon to the children's petting area and spend more time there. Paighton rode the carousel for the first time and had a blast. She kept watching all of the animals go up and down. She's such a good girl and I love watching her experience new things. It's one of the best things about being a parent.

Grandma and Grandpa Geiter have graciously agreed to watch Miss P on Saturday night as Ryan and I are going on a date! Michael Buble here we come! I have been waiting so long for this concert! He has been to KC before, and I always regretted not going. I bought tickets in February and have had to wait since then! Ryan is "thrilled", but knew how bad I wanted to go so we are making it a date night! Wondering where we should go to dinner? Ryan suggested Chipotle. I said no. :) We'll see where we end up! We'll take lots of pictures!

Hope all of you have a fabulous week!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

But I didn't....

So my sister Jen and I decided we should have a blog post entitled "But I didn't...". This post is dedicated to all those times when you really wanted to do/say something but didn't. So for this post, I'll start with some examples and feel free to join in on your own blog!

Today when I was in the bathroom at work (stay with me here...), there was a lady on her cell phone talking to someone the entire time she was in the bathroom. A public bathroom. With 8 stalls. I really wanted to turn up the speaker volume all the way on my Iphone and use the fake fart app my husband dowloaded on my phone to get her to HANG UP. But I didn't...

Or like tonight when Paighton and I were on our way home from Hobby Lobby and we drove past not one, but TWO Sonic's. Torture people. I really, really wanted to stop and order a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup Blast. With extra candy and whipped cream. But I didn't...

So there you go. A few examples to get you started. What didn't you do this week?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dear Miss Paighton,

So much has changed in just ONE month!
You are a rocket! You are everywhere on your hands and knees and when we stand you up-you LOVE to walk. You walk and talk everywhere. It's like you are telling us how fun it is to walk around. Those little legs can get moving! You are pulling yourself up onto things and try so hard to stand up on your own when you are sitting down.

You also got your first TOOTH! Thank goodness! It was your bottom right tooth that decided to pop through first! Although all the other ones are coming in right after this one, so it's not making things very easy for you. My baby girl you try so hard to laugh, but sometimes the cry just comes out instead. I wish I could take away that pain for you, but the good thing is you won't remember it!

You have completed your first swimming class and have been to the neighborhood pool for the first time. You had a great time and loved to splash around. You love watching all of the big kids and smile everytime one of them come by to say hi to you. You are very social! (I can't imagine where you get that from....) You "talk" to all the kiddos and they love to play with you.

We are getting ready to celebrate your first 4th of July! Dont' worry, you have an outfit for each day of the weekend! Thanks Grandma Thurston! :) I'm not sure how you will do with fireworks, but let me tell you something kid, for as many times as you have been through some torrential thunderstorms, you have never woken up. So hopefully you'll be okay! We will be hanging out with family all weekend and I know you will have a fun time playing with your cousins!

Included are some of my favorite pics from the last month. Time is flying by baby girl. You are going to be 10 months in a few weeks and I can't believe what a big girl you are. I love you so much sweetheart and love spending every minute I can with you. Your laugh fills my heart and cuddling with you is the best part of my day.
"You're not going to make me pick up all these toys right Mom?"

You are everything to me sweet girl and I love you so much! I thank God for you everyday!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sing a song for me..

I LOVE music. It always helps my mood and I love that my mood can change with a certain song. Songs/music are emotion for me and I always have music on in one form or another. On the computer/my I-Pod/car radio/radio at work, etc.

The best thing about music is that Paighton loves it too. Her mood can go from cranky to happy the instant music comes on. She has been this way since she was born. It's kind of crazy, but it totally works and she loves to dance to the music. It's fun to watch her listen and learn to bounce around and "sing" to the songs. I see show choir in her future. :)

What's playing on my i-tunes right now? "East to West" by Casting Crowns. Love this song. It's on shuffle right now, and to be completely honest, my shuffle includes more Christmas songs than anything else. I swear every third song is a Christmas song. It doesn't bother me at all, but Ryan seems to be amazed at the ratio of Christmas music to our other music. :) What can I say? I'm a sucker for a feel good Christmas song. :)

What's on your i-tunes? Anything I need to listen to? Anything for Miss P?

Our plans this week include a mommy's night out with the neigborhood girls to SITC 2, my in-laws in town for the weekend and mommy working on Saturday (again a big BOO).

In other news, my car DIED on Saturday and we missed Miss P's last swim class. A HUGE BOO. The car is fixed now, but mommy's heart, not so much. Yes, I know that she will have MANY MORE swimming classes, but it was important to me and I wanted her to get her certificate from class. So what does any good mommy do? Of course, you call the center and have them make a certificate for her so you can include it in her baby book. :) So I did, and they did, and it's in the mail to our house and should be arriving soon.

Speaking of mail, I am waiting on lots of goodies in the mail!

My mother's day gift is on it's way from I can't wait and I'll take pics once it arrives.

A package of goodies that I left in Iowa (thanks mom for sending to me!) A package that includes fun stuff for the 1st birthday party! I found the perfect plates/napkins at Hobby Lobby back home. We also found some fun stencils and tools to get crafting for the party as well! I need to check my much to do, so little time. :)
Last but not least, a few pics of baby girl. She outgrew her bathtub but is still really little for the huge bathtub in the bathroom, so I saw this online and bought it at Target a few days ago. She LOVES it. She thinks it's hilarious. Each time I make the beak "quack" she looks around to find where the sound is coming from. Again, I have video, but it still would'nt upload, so I am going to have to figure out what the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on! :

Have a WONDERFUL week!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A busy weekend...

We had a WONDERFUL time back home for the holiday. We headed up on Friday afternoon and spent as much time with family as we could. Saturday was spent shopping/browsing at the mall. Ryan and Dad hit Sheels and Mommy and Grandma hit Gymboree. I LOVE when they have a sale. Miss P got a few new things and mommy and daddy got, well, nothing. :)

Sunday was a big day as a lot of our family and friends came out to Mom and Dad's house for a bbq. We got to see Dave, Alissa and Tate and Mr. Tate got to sit up on the tractors! I hope he enjoyed them! Come back anytime Mr. Tate! I know Uncle Jim will give you a ride!

Monday we came home and ended up going to our neighbors bbq for dinner. A packed weekend! We had such a good time and I DID NOT want to go back to work today! Miss P has slept so good the past few nights as I am sure she was wiped out. She met so many new people this weekend and was such a good girl. She only had one case of the "I don't know you and I'm kind of scared.....buuuutttttt, I guess you're okay". :)

Our plans for this week include a check up with Ryan and his Cardiologist. A 9 mo (eeek!) appt for Miss P and Mommy has to work this weekend (boo). I am waiting until next week to go and see Sex in the City 2 with my fabulous neighbor girls. I have heard mixed reviews. Anyone else see it yet? What were your thoughts?

Now that June has officially arrived, I feel like we are going to be in full gear for the rest of the summer. If I'm not working, we will either be a) at the lake, b) in Iowa, c) at the Michael Buble concert (yeah for me, not so yeah for Ry) or d) hitting up the neighborhood pool. Oh, or a big E) planning Miss P's party. I have a running list of all the things to do/get/create for this party. So many exciting things to look forward to this summer!

Last but not least, my attempt to upload video was a huge FAIL. So, I have included some pics from this weekend for your enjoyment.

Please keep in mind the toy she was playing with was from 1966. Older than ME!

Paighton and her GiGi. They love each other. :) And I love that GiGi gets to play with her. My grandma is the greatest, and I can't wait for Paighton to know all about her!

Please excuse this picture-Mommy and Daddy just got back from a ride on the 4-wheeler and it was HOT ouside. We both look kind of worn down and ready for bed!

Hope all is well with you and yours!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crawling Part 2

Okay, so FYI-I had to switch back to the old editor? So confused, but I think I got it! Miss P has been army crawling around now. It's funny how now that she's mobile, I can't even turn my back for a second and she's moved all the way across the room (yes, I knew this was going to happen, it's just realizing it is happening is sureal to me sometimes). Ryan likes to call her baby godzilla as she is always knocking things over. He will build a tower of blocks and she LOVES to crawl to it and knock it down. The funny part is that she always looks at Ryan before she does it like "Daddy-can I? Can I please knock it down? Is it okay?". Adorable. She is also getting an opinion about things these days. She doesn't like to eat her oatmeal without fruit mixed into it. She's NEVER been picky about food, but all the sudden now needs fruit mixed into her oatmeal. She also loves to stand and hold onto us and walk around the living room/kitchen. She must think this is a HOOT as she talks the whole time she is doing it. She likes to climb into our laps and over our legs. Apparently we make a good jungle gym. Still no teeth. Seriously. Nothin. Zip. Zilch. Nada. God forbid I have to order this kid dentures. :) Her bottom gums are still swollen, but I can't see much because she always sticks her tounge out at me when I try to look in her mouth. I got back on the treadmill tonight because.....we'll because it's a) been a long time, b) this fabulous girl named Ashley is getting married in August and I truly don't want to be the fat girl in all the pictures, and c) it felt good. I forget how good it feels to get out the aggressions. It actually brought back a lot of memories as before I was pregnant with Paighton and had miscarriage after miscarriage, I took my frustrations to the treadmill. I remember running one day and thinking over and over again "I will have a baby, I will have a baby. I won't let them talk me out of it". I remember feeling like this wasn't going to beat me. I wasn't going to let this win. It was weird, but this was th memory that came back to me tonight. So yeah, it felt good. Hopefully I can keep it up! And finally to give you an update on the sewing. After buying fabric and a pattern, I am on my way to making placemats and a table runner. I'm not promising quality, but you have to start somewhere right? I need to purchase some more pins and an actual pin cushion (wondering if they still make the tomato cushion?) and I should be able to move right along. We'll see. I promise to post pictures as I go. Well, it's been 20 minutes since I started this post and the video is still uploading. This could take FORRREEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR...and since I can't publish it until the video is done, you may not get this until tomorrow. Because I need to do laundry. So, have a great evening/day and enjoy the video! ~S


so I have a video of Miss P crawling. I would love to show it to you. I would. But for some reason I am a complete MORON and cannot figure out how to upload videos anymore.

Anybody? Not that anyone is dying to see her scoot across the floor, but it's fun, and I want to share.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back in Business

Thank goodness! Finally! A new camera has been purchased and we are back to being paparazzi. :) What did we get???

A Cannon SD 1400 IS. We decided it would work for what we wanted, still has HD video and is a great camera for us so far (in the 24 hrs we've had it...ha!)

She's also (with assistance) walking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. Hopefully video of that to come!

The neighbors all came over last night and we had a great time sitting around the fire and munching on smores! The kiddos loved it and had a great time playing hide and seek. We absolutely adore our neighbors and are so blessed to call them our friends. They have helped Ryan and I through so much and are the greatest people. We can't wait for the Animal House party in July!

Speaking of parties, I have begun to purchase items for Paighton's 1st birthday party. People, it's only 3 months away. I know it may seem silly, but I have to prepare! Even as I write this, I am freaking out a little bit as I haven't even ordered the invitations! AHH!!!! The party will be over the Labor Day weekend, and I can't wait to get the party started. Okay, I really CAN wait as time just continues to fly by, however, I can't wait for Paighton to have her first bite of cake and for us to celebrate with our family and friends.

Today is a little cloudy, but we are still going to try and make a run to the park and Ryan will be smoking some ribs today for dinner. MMMM, yummy. Throw in some cheesy potatoes and we are in for a rockstar meal! :)

I hope you and your family had a great weekend and are enjoying some time together on this day of rest. God bless all of you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Miss Paighton,

Have I ever mentioned that I love you? Lately you and your teeth have been battling it out and I think the teeth are winning. I hate seeing you upset and I wish I could fix it for you. I promise once those little guys pop through, you will feel so much better.

You have been "waking up" (more like instant crying and munching on your hand) 2-3 times a night. Tonight has been good, I've been up checking on you and no crying yet! Whew! Hopefully you get a little rest.

You are moving all around now and crawl to us everywhere. You prefer Belle dog's toys and make a beeline for anything she has. Belle dog is amazing and gentle with you. She gets a little nervous when you head for her bone, but we're working on that. You are so cute as you are learning to put one foot in front of the other. If daddy or I hold your hands and stand you up, you LOVE to walk. You're working on your balance and always want to let go and do it yourself. I can't IMAGINE where you get that from. :)

You are making all kinds of sounds now! Your latest is "baa baa baa baa". I'm pretty impressed with the "B" sounds you are making! You are definetely a talker and get really excited when you are standing.

You love to be tilted backwards/upside down and giggle everytime we do it. You also love when mommy and daddy talk to you like Cookie Monster. :) We also play "I see you" in the mirror. A lot. You are so smart and will look into your little mirror to find us. You also love to look at yourself in the big mirror and get HUGE smiles when you do.

You also love the water. We started swim lessons this month and you have had lots of fun. We've even gone under water 3 times! Yeah! You love to watch the other little kids in the pool and always try to immitate mommy when I blow bubbles. The water doesn't taste to good but you are always smiling when we do it. You love to splash around and talk to your water toys in the bathtub.

You are headed to see some cows next weekend and I can't wait to see your reaction when they come right up to us at the fence! It will be lots of fun!

I love you baby girl with all my heart. You bring me joy each and every day. I thank God for you and the blessing you are to our lives.

I love you ALWAYS!

Monday, May 17, 2010

We're in the market...

for a new camera. Yes, our fabulous, free camera we got at the Ellen show met it's demise in the bottom of a diaper bag with a container of baby carrots. Not pretty. You could say it still "works", but everything through the screen is orange. A sad, sad day.
Therefore we are in the market for a new camera. And I know lots of you out there like to take pictures of your beautiful babies. So, any suggestions? Our photographer who has taken our family pictures and now pics of Paighton, suggested a Cannon. We would still like the video capability, but still really want a point and shoot. I don't know if I would know how to use one of those fancy things....I am not that smart. :)

I am hoping to get a new camera soon as I am going through withdrawl of not taking pictures of Paighton every day. She is really on the move and I want to try and document as much as I can. Cause you know, I think she's pretty fabulous.

So here is one of the last pictures taken with our old camera. It was Paighton's first swim class. I love her. :)

Alright, it's time to go to bed, and pray my baby gets a good night sleep. Oh yeah, and mommy too.


There's an app for that....

As Paighton has been teething away, we in the Geiter household have not been getting much sleep. Which is crazy, because this child has been sleeping through the night since she was three weeks old. I'm not sure how parents do this whole no sleep thing. Seriously, God bless you.

And as I was lying in bed the other night trying to go back to sleep, I saw a commercial for Iphone. Now, I have this phone, and I still can't believe how many crazy apps there are. Like, you can lock your doors at home from a remote location. Or you can scan a barcode on a product at a store and it will tell you which retailer has the cheapest price. I couldn't help but think, I wish there was an app that would just clean my house. As a result of little to no sleep, I have not been as attentive to the cleaning of the house as I should be (please keep in mind that cleaning is usually the LAST thing on my list).

I also wish there were an app that would just schedule my dr's appointments for me. Or maybe one that could zap me everytime I went to eat a cookie/brownie/ice cream sandwich etc. Oh, or maybe one that could walk my dog, or continuously throw the ball for her. Or maybe one that would send birthday/anniversary cards for me (because seriously, I am HORRIBLE at this).

So my friends, what would be your ideal "app"?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Behind door #2....

Um, two posts in one day? It's amazing. Never to be seen again in the history of blogging. Ha!

It's been a hell of a day at sea kids, and I have been mentally cataloging all the things to update you about. So here goes.....

1. I recently made a purchase that has me excited about...well just excited in general. I had been wanting one for a while and can't wait to start on a project. What is it you ask?


I have been alerted (ahem-more like RED FLAGGED) that I have been slacking in the blogging department.

So here is my short post to tide you over until I can post later tonight.

It's Friday-THANK THE LORD. We have Paighton's 3rd swimming lesson tomorrow and if the weather holds up, we will be headed to watch the Royals take on the Chicago White Sox tomorrow night. I forsee a loss by KC, but we'll see. :)

Otherwise, Sunday is a day of rest. Maybe I can convince my husband to do a little smoking. Not cigarettes but meat. You get the picture.

A few teasers for my next post: My newest big purchase (I am SO excited about this one), an update on Miss Paighton-because, you know, she's EIGHT months old now, and some thoughts about the future.

I hope you are all having a fabulous Friday and we'll see each other soon!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The little things

Happy Sunday!

All this week I have been thinking of things to blog about...and here's what I have come up with:

I have increasingly become aware of some of the "little things" that I go through life never acknowledging, but notice that they come in handy A LOT. Some significant and some so silly and crazy I'm almost embarrased to mention them (but I will). :)

1. Chapstick. With sparkles. I have recently found chapstick with a "shimmer" and find that I am addicted. Now, it's not your jar of carmex, or a fruit flavored balm, but it's fun (and by fun I mean makes me feel like I am wearing some kind of make up) AND it keeps my lips soft in the fridgid cold that is the midwest. So I'm hooked.

2. Lysol wipes. I have found that I am using these ALL of the time now that I have a child/gotten a cold/child has gotten a cold, etc. There are so many things to wipe....the counter, highchair, rattle, door knobs, tv remotes, phones, hand rails, toys, refridgerator handles, car keys, excersaucer, car seats, computer keyboards........

3. Car seat covers. Having a baby be in a car carrier in the middle of winter had been interesting until I invested $30 in a Eddie Bauer Car seat cover from Target. It's brown and pink, zips up over doodles and keeps her warm. So long to the too small blanket blowing off from the wind gusts of the plains, this little baby is MAGIC. I would highly suggest anyone with a baby in the winter have one of these.

4. A route 44 Diet Cherry Coke from Sonic. Here's the beauty of this deal. Our Sonic locations have .99 Route 44 drinks in the morning. How else would you think I could make it through my day??

5. My husband. Now, I know I said I don't normally acknowledge a lot of these things, but this one I am SO thankful for. You want to know why? Because if I ask him to please make my sandwich for lunch, he does it. And he knows exactly how many slices of turkey or knows what my "peanut butter to jelly ratio" is. That my friends, is the true meaning of love.

So there it is. Nothing fabulous, just some fun observations from the week. What are your "little things"? Let me know, I just might send you some shimmery chapstick for the best answer. :)

Have a great week!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Question Thank God it's Friday!

(sorry Kat, I swear I had to visit your blog like 6 times to copy the questions brain is not functioning properly today)

Anyways! It's Friday and I like the 5 question Friday theme as hopefully it lets you get to know me a little more!

1. Would you ever vacation alone?
My first reaction was to say, "of course I could, peace, quiet and a good mani/pedi!". But really as I thought about it, I kind of feel like vacations are made to share! When I was a kid we would go on trips just us, but a lot of times we went with friends. It was fun to share in the adventure with others and made it that much more memorable.

2. Do you go the speed limit?
ah, no. not really ever. except maybe the time I was learning to drive. That might be about it.

3. Why did I start blogging/following blogs?
I started following Mandy's blog because I missed her. She lived in the US and was not really that close to me, but ever since she moved across an OCEAN, I have missed her more. So I always would read her blog and see pics of my favorite niece and her wonderful mommy and daddy. I thought it was super cool that Brooklyn would have all of this to look back on. I probably started blogging because I needed a release. I have some very old posts that reflect a much angrier, unhappy me. It then became a place that I found new fabulous friends and a connection with others. Now it serves as a way to keep grandmas and grandpas posted on the things happening here and making sure they are in Paighton's life!

4. Where do you shop for yourself?
If I had a ton of money, I shop where else? COACH. There is just something about a fabulous, classic handbag. It never gets to tight, it's always in style, and it goes with you everywhere.

Since I don't have a ton of money (see previous post), I shop at Ann Taylor Loft. Really haven't bought much for myself lately. Most of my money goes to Carters/Gymboree/Children's Place. Dang you super cute spring collections! :)

5. What was the song you danced to with your spouse at your wedding?
At the risk of being ridiculed FOREVER, I am going to have to admit, I don't remember. Is that horrible? AHHHH! Sorry honey. For those of you at my wedding that might remember, please let me know. :) Please know that there are many, many songs that remind me of us. Case in point:
a) "You and I" and "Everything" by Michael Buble
b) "Have a little faith in me" by John Hiatt

Lately, there has been lots of songs by Coldplay that remind me of us. I didn't really like Coldplay until Ryan introduced me to them. We have been to see them in concert twice now and I would see them again in a heartbeat. (keep in mind I also have Ashley Tisdale, Mercy Me and Flo Rida on my Ipod. I am an equal opportunity Itunes buyer :) )

Not much planned for the weekend and I'm pretty sure that's perfectly okay with me. My family will be here in less than a month now and that makes me VERY happy.

I had to use my lifeguard skills at work today, it was very interesting, but is a story for another post.

Love to you all!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hot Mama Tuesday/Wednesday topic.....

So I am by no means a "hot mama" (my hair hasn't been cut in I can't remember how long, my feet resemble something similar to sandpaper and I'm pretty sure my leg hairs are not supposed to rub against my jeans), but in light of Mandy and Kat's post, I thought I would throw my answer into the hat.

Today's Topic: What would you do with $50,000

Stay home. Period. Done. End of Story. I would stay home with Paighton as long as I could. We would go to movies, the library, the pool, the park, lunch with Daddy, go on trips, etc, etc, etc.

Since I don't have $50,000, we'll just have to make do with the time we do have together. Most of which last night was spent playing in the excersaucer, reading a Paula Deen magazine (hey, I've got to teach her early :)), and talk talk talking.

In other news, I purchased Paighton's first swimsut this past weekend. Hot dog. I can't give anything away, but I'll give you a hint.....

I can't wait for the pool (mommy will need to lose about 30 lbs, but at least my daughter will be FABULOUS!). I am trying to find her a water babies class to take in the spring so we are ready for the summer.

My nephew will be celebrating his first birthday this weekend which will be super fun! His theme is Pirates! Ahoy Mates!

Hope everyone's wednesday is a good one!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Five Question Friday

Thank's Mandy for putting up the questions! Here we go!

1. What's your "comfort food"? Warm chocolate chip cookies and an ice cold glass of milk. Mouth watering.

2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?When I send them I send by mail. I have written a lot of thank you's in 2009 and loved picking out new designs. I really want to get a cool monogram return address stamp like the Bass' have....I heart it.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose? The Real Desperate Housewives of Orange County. No New York or Atlanta for me. Throw me into the mix of fake tans, skinny bodies and mercedes and I'm golden. Don't you think I would look fabulous with a face lift??? :)

4. What is your favorite online recipe site? Food Network/Kraft Foods/Paula Deen All have great receipes and I'm addicted to "more butter" HA! I really am more of a baker than a cook, so I love Paula's ooey gooey butter cake. If you haven't tried it, it's super easy and melts in your mouth (it should as it has TWO sticks of butter in it)

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"? It's a moo point.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whirlwind of thoughts....

It's 2010! Happy New Year!

I have been reading lots of peoples resolutions/thoughts/posts about this new year. And in the 5 short days that have already happened this year, I have learned A LOT!

1. Today could be your last day. Today could be the last day that you kiss your husband goodbye and hug your baby. It's a cliche I know, but don't let it pass you by. Life is too short to hang on to the bad/negative/crappy stuff that is going on. Make your heart right with God everyday and that is ALL that matters.

2. Time goes by WAY faster than you think. Was it just me or did the holidays come and go in a flash? I wish I could have captured it all on video because I am sure I missed something somewhere along the way.

3. It is flipping cold outside. Seriously, where did this come from? My poor puppy loves the snow but her paws are like icicles when she comes inside.

4. I have an amazing group of friends and family and I should let them know more often that they are amazing. They all have the ability to lift me up when I am in need, and I need to do that for them. Everyone needs to know they are loved and 2010 is going to be the year I share that with them. I PROMISE.

5. There is no such thing as a "routine". I will try with all my heart to be on a schedule, and it never fails that something will change. I will need to learn to "go with the flow" a little more and not freak out when my child decides to stay up until Midnight on NYE just because she wants to party with all of us. She still slept well once we put her to bed and continued to the next night. I should know better, she's my child and she likes to party. HA!

6. There is no place like home. Period. End of story.

7. I love my life.

8. Pumping breastmilk at work is embarrasing. Ask me and I'll tell you a funny story about a phone call, my boss, and a leaky faucet. It's not pretty. :)

9. My child will be baptized on February 28th. I look forward to giving her life to God once again and asking him to watch over her. For she is his miracle and his good works. She is his child and I am honored to be her mommy. I love you Paighton!

10. 2010 is going to be a year filled with love, laughter and life. I can't wait!
