Friday, October 24, 2008

2 am...really?

Again with the "I can't sleep", so I will post a new blog! (I seriously need some sleep)

So many things going on in the last week. I received a bonus at work, my old company is laying off 1/3 of their work force, my family back home has been going through HUGE ups and downs and in 5 days we leave for Savannah! Ahh!

Have I ever mentioned I am so glad to have my job? I love what I do and wouldn't trade it for the world. I am so blessed and with everything going on right now in the economy, I have to thank God for that blessing everyday. I am praying for all of you at Sunflower who will find out their fate next week. I can't imagine the stress you are going through, but know that you will get through it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

It's Friday! I am hoping to get a lot done at work today so that I may go work out before coming home to do more laundry and pack! Luckily I am off Saturday and Sunday of this weekend and look forward to running lots of errands like normal people do!

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Are great days! It is beautiful here today, I am sorry I have to work but will hopefully make it a short day.

We are so busy in the next few weeks-Savannah for a week, my sister-n-law's baby shower, Coldplay concert and then off to Iowa for Thanksgiving! Lots of fun things to do.

Other than that, Belle and I are enjoying our "quiet" time together! HA! She waited by the door last night, hoping that Ryan was coming home. She was sad when he didn't come. Seriously, boys and their dogs. It's amazing.

Hope everyone has a GREAT Saturday! Go Hawks!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I hope you are reading this blog! My mom didn't know that I "blogged" so I forwarded her my site! I love you momma! Miss you!

Today was pretty uneventful, I say that, but I just got home from running all day. We had our neighborhood social commitee meeting tonight. I am so lucky that I have AWESOME neighbors and we all get along so well. It's so funny, I used to feel out of place because Ryan and I don't have kids-we are the only couple without kids, but they love us just the same and have been a huge support with all that we have gone through.

Ryan is going on his annual fly fisherman's weekend this weekend! Free time to myself! I can't lie, I will miss him, but am looking for some time to myself! I will be getting ready for our trip! Two weeks from today we will be in Savannah!

I hope you all have a GREAT day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Having faith...

tonight at church our pastor reminded us that even when life is in crisis mode (whether it be financial, emotional or physical) we need to continue to remember that the Lord is and always will be our rock. On top of this rock we can see a clearer picture of what is out there for us. To put our faith in him that he will continue to walk with us.

He presented one of my favorite verses tonight: Phillipians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

This message was a great one today and it also came on a day that I also received a note from Ms. Kat Bass, who I may have may never met in person, but I can tell you this, she is a strong woman and is going to be a GREAT mommy. I am praying that the faith shown through this verse continues to find her and Eric in their journey. I know that he is guiding them down a path that may not be clear right now, but in his own time will bring a happiness that only he can provide.

I am praying for you guys and please let me know if I can help in anyway!!! (P.S. If you need someone to call and give the agency an earful-I have unlimited minutes!! :))

Well, it's off to bed, I am off tomorrow and plan on doing laundry-We leave for Savannah in 17 days! Paula Deen here I come!! :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One last thing...

Really? Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant again? Really? Does this make anone else extremely annoyed? Obviously at this point it is just rumors, but again, really?

Sometimes I just don't quite understand the reasoning....I guess that is God's way of reminding me of SOMETHING. I haven't figured it out yet?

If anyone else has, let me know.

Good days and bad days...

Hmm, how funny the tides turn. One day can be a very good day where you fall asleep and stay asleep. Yet the next can be one of anger, dissapointment and frustration. But, we'll get through it, as we always do.

I am currently watching the Biggest Loser on tv. It always inspires me to get moving! I gained 10 pounds when I was pregnant and have since lost that weight which is good, but I have much more to go. Since we are going to be in Savannah in 3 weeks, so my new slogan is "Skinier by Savannah". I would like to lose at least 5 more pounds by the time we leave. We shall see!

Thanks for the video's Mandy-I love seeing them. They make it a good day! :)


Friday, October 3, 2008

It's 1:30 am...

and I am wide awake! I have that super fun trait that means my brain never shuts off! So, maybe if I get something down on paper, it will help me get back to sleep!

Today is my "Friday" at work. A foster family conference, 2 weddings and a 50th anniversary party all in one day! It will be crazy, but hopefully will go by fast! It's amazing how quickly our staff works. So much going on, but they make everything run like clockwork!

We had date night last night-nothing to fabulous, but we watched "Sex in the City"-one of my all time favorite movies! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it!

Alissa-I love the Hallmark comment! :) They should totally put that on a card!

Well, I suppose it should be back to bed...hope you all have a great Saturday!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Genetically Compatible

Well, we got our test results back and whoo, we are genetically compatible. Good news as if we weren't we would be in a VERY different place right now. Our next step is a doctor's appointment on Monday. Basically they will start all over again and hopefully (everyone pray really hard) this time will be even more successful. I don't know that I could handle a 4th miscarriage, but I am not going to focus on that.

I am going to focus on the fact that I may have to give myself a shot everyday for the first trimester! Fun fun! Because of my protien C difficiency, I will need the blood thinner to help transfer blood to the baby. I do not have a clotting condition, just thick blood. Who would have thought....

Anyways, just a quick note for today, but for all of you out there going through a similar situation...I am praying for you!

With love,