Monday, December 22, 2008

This one's for you Kat!

Okay, so Kat promised me that someone would find my boring life somewhat interesting. Umm, my friends may find it interesting to read, but only because I pay them. :)

Here is our latest info-Ryan's mom and dad, SIL and BIL are coming to our house for Christmas dinner. I can't really post much about that because really, I don't have anything nice to say. All I know is that I am buying myself an awesome Christmas gift for surviving this week. Seriously. Coach is calling my name. Loudly.

I have to work Saturday, Dec. 27th as I have 3 weddings and family reunion. Craziness. I can't imagine planning a wedding two days after Christmas. Way to much chaos for me. But they are excited and it should be fun.

After that, our plans include laying low for a week on vaca. Ryan will celebrate his 31st birthday on the 30th. After his surprise party last year, this year will be extremely low key. I may just take him to McDonald's for dinner. He is so spoiled. I get Coach, he gets McDonald's. Now you know how our marriage works. :)

Then back to the grind after the new year. I am very blessed to have my job and know things could get hairy next year based on what the economy does. With businesses cutting back, the first thing to go is travel. Not so good for the hotel industry. We'll keep praying.

Alright, that was boring enough! Love to you all this Christmas and if I don't post again until after Christmas....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

I matter...

Thank you. Thank you for posting about friends and how much they truly impact our lives.

You have made me feel today that I matter. That I am worthwhile to someone and that I have made a difference. In all of the crazy things that are thrown at us in life, that I have made a difference. Thank you for that. Thank you for filling my heart. After the year of dissapointments and heartache, your post filled me back up. Even if for today, I know that I matter to you. I know it may seem silly, but means more to me that you could EVER understand.

I am blessed beyond the heavens with you beside me.

Just wanted you to know....