Sunday, January 31, 2010

The little things

Happy Sunday!

All this week I have been thinking of things to blog about...and here's what I have come up with:

I have increasingly become aware of some of the "little things" that I go through life never acknowledging, but notice that they come in handy A LOT. Some significant and some so silly and crazy I'm almost embarrased to mention them (but I will). :)

1. Chapstick. With sparkles. I have recently found chapstick with a "shimmer" and find that I am addicted. Now, it's not your jar of carmex, or a fruit flavored balm, but it's fun (and by fun I mean makes me feel like I am wearing some kind of make up) AND it keeps my lips soft in the fridgid cold that is the midwest. So I'm hooked.

2. Lysol wipes. I have found that I am using these ALL of the time now that I have a child/gotten a cold/child has gotten a cold, etc. There are so many things to wipe....the counter, highchair, rattle, door knobs, tv remotes, phones, hand rails, toys, refridgerator handles, car keys, excersaucer, car seats, computer keyboards........

3. Car seat covers. Having a baby be in a car carrier in the middle of winter had been interesting until I invested $30 in a Eddie Bauer Car seat cover from Target. It's brown and pink, zips up over doodles and keeps her warm. So long to the too small blanket blowing off from the wind gusts of the plains, this little baby is MAGIC. I would highly suggest anyone with a baby in the winter have one of these.

4. A route 44 Diet Cherry Coke from Sonic. Here's the beauty of this deal. Our Sonic locations have .99 Route 44 drinks in the morning. How else would you think I could make it through my day??

5. My husband. Now, I know I said I don't normally acknowledge a lot of these things, but this one I am SO thankful for. You want to know why? Because if I ask him to please make my sandwich for lunch, he does it. And he knows exactly how many slices of turkey or knows what my "peanut butter to jelly ratio" is. That my friends, is the true meaning of love.

So there it is. Nothing fabulous, just some fun observations from the week. What are your "little things"? Let me know, I just might send you some shimmery chapstick for the best answer. :)

Have a great week!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Question Thank God it's Friday!

(sorry Kat, I swear I had to visit your blog like 6 times to copy the questions brain is not functioning properly today)

Anyways! It's Friday and I like the 5 question Friday theme as hopefully it lets you get to know me a little more!

1. Would you ever vacation alone?
My first reaction was to say, "of course I could, peace, quiet and a good mani/pedi!". But really as I thought about it, I kind of feel like vacations are made to share! When I was a kid we would go on trips just us, but a lot of times we went with friends. It was fun to share in the adventure with others and made it that much more memorable.

2. Do you go the speed limit?
ah, no. not really ever. except maybe the time I was learning to drive. That might be about it.

3. Why did I start blogging/following blogs?
I started following Mandy's blog because I missed her. She lived in the US and was not really that close to me, but ever since she moved across an OCEAN, I have missed her more. So I always would read her blog and see pics of my favorite niece and her wonderful mommy and daddy. I thought it was super cool that Brooklyn would have all of this to look back on. I probably started blogging because I needed a release. I have some very old posts that reflect a much angrier, unhappy me. It then became a place that I found new fabulous friends and a connection with others. Now it serves as a way to keep grandmas and grandpas posted on the things happening here and making sure they are in Paighton's life!

4. Where do you shop for yourself?
If I had a ton of money, I shop where else? COACH. There is just something about a fabulous, classic handbag. It never gets to tight, it's always in style, and it goes with you everywhere.

Since I don't have a ton of money (see previous post), I shop at Ann Taylor Loft. Really haven't bought much for myself lately. Most of my money goes to Carters/Gymboree/Children's Place. Dang you super cute spring collections! :)

5. What was the song you danced to with your spouse at your wedding?
At the risk of being ridiculed FOREVER, I am going to have to admit, I don't remember. Is that horrible? AHHHH! Sorry honey. For those of you at my wedding that might remember, please let me know. :) Please know that there are many, many songs that remind me of us. Case in point:
a) "You and I" and "Everything" by Michael Buble
b) "Have a little faith in me" by John Hiatt

Lately, there has been lots of songs by Coldplay that remind me of us. I didn't really like Coldplay until Ryan introduced me to them. We have been to see them in concert twice now and I would see them again in a heartbeat. (keep in mind I also have Ashley Tisdale, Mercy Me and Flo Rida on my Ipod. I am an equal opportunity Itunes buyer :) )

Not much planned for the weekend and I'm pretty sure that's perfectly okay with me. My family will be here in less than a month now and that makes me VERY happy.

I had to use my lifeguard skills at work today, it was very interesting, but is a story for another post.

Love to you all!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hot Mama Tuesday/Wednesday topic.....

So I am by no means a "hot mama" (my hair hasn't been cut in I can't remember how long, my feet resemble something similar to sandpaper and I'm pretty sure my leg hairs are not supposed to rub against my jeans), but in light of Mandy and Kat's post, I thought I would throw my answer into the hat.

Today's Topic: What would you do with $50,000

Stay home. Period. Done. End of Story. I would stay home with Paighton as long as I could. We would go to movies, the library, the pool, the park, lunch with Daddy, go on trips, etc, etc, etc.

Since I don't have $50,000, we'll just have to make do with the time we do have together. Most of which last night was spent playing in the excersaucer, reading a Paula Deen magazine (hey, I've got to teach her early :)), and talk talk talking.

In other news, I purchased Paighton's first swimsut this past weekend. Hot dog. I can't give anything away, but I'll give you a hint.....

I can't wait for the pool (mommy will need to lose about 30 lbs, but at least my daughter will be FABULOUS!). I am trying to find her a water babies class to take in the spring so we are ready for the summer.

My nephew will be celebrating his first birthday this weekend which will be super fun! His theme is Pirates! Ahoy Mates!

Hope everyone's wednesday is a good one!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Five Question Friday

Thank's Mandy for putting up the questions! Here we go!

1. What's your "comfort food"? Warm chocolate chip cookies and an ice cold glass of milk. Mouth watering.

2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?When I send them I send by mail. I have written a lot of thank you's in 2009 and loved picking out new designs. I really want to get a cool monogram return address stamp like the Bass' have....I heart it.

3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose? The Real Desperate Housewives of Orange County. No New York or Atlanta for me. Throw me into the mix of fake tans, skinny bodies and mercedes and I'm golden. Don't you think I would look fabulous with a face lift??? :)

4. What is your favorite online recipe site? Food Network/Kraft Foods/Paula Deen All have great receipes and I'm addicted to "more butter" HA! I really am more of a baker than a cook, so I love Paula's ooey gooey butter cake. If you haven't tried it, it's super easy and melts in your mouth (it should as it has TWO sticks of butter in it)

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"? It's a moo point.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whirlwind of thoughts....

It's 2010! Happy New Year!

I have been reading lots of peoples resolutions/thoughts/posts about this new year. And in the 5 short days that have already happened this year, I have learned A LOT!

1. Today could be your last day. Today could be the last day that you kiss your husband goodbye and hug your baby. It's a cliche I know, but don't let it pass you by. Life is too short to hang on to the bad/negative/crappy stuff that is going on. Make your heart right with God everyday and that is ALL that matters.

2. Time goes by WAY faster than you think. Was it just me or did the holidays come and go in a flash? I wish I could have captured it all on video because I am sure I missed something somewhere along the way.

3. It is flipping cold outside. Seriously, where did this come from? My poor puppy loves the snow but her paws are like icicles when she comes inside.

4. I have an amazing group of friends and family and I should let them know more often that they are amazing. They all have the ability to lift me up when I am in need, and I need to do that for them. Everyone needs to know they are loved and 2010 is going to be the year I share that with them. I PROMISE.

5. There is no such thing as a "routine". I will try with all my heart to be on a schedule, and it never fails that something will change. I will need to learn to "go with the flow" a little more and not freak out when my child decides to stay up until Midnight on NYE just because she wants to party with all of us. She still slept well once we put her to bed and continued to the next night. I should know better, she's my child and she likes to party. HA!

6. There is no place like home. Period. End of story.

7. I love my life.

8. Pumping breastmilk at work is embarrasing. Ask me and I'll tell you a funny story about a phone call, my boss, and a leaky faucet. It's not pretty. :)

9. My child will be baptized on February 28th. I look forward to giving her life to God once again and asking him to watch over her. For she is his miracle and his good works. She is his child and I am honored to be her mommy. I love you Paighton!

10. 2010 is going to be a year filled with love, laughter and life. I can't wait!
