Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whirlwind of thoughts....

It's 2010! Happy New Year!

I have been reading lots of peoples resolutions/thoughts/posts about this new year. And in the 5 short days that have already happened this year, I have learned A LOT!

1. Today could be your last day. Today could be the last day that you kiss your husband goodbye and hug your baby. It's a cliche I know, but don't let it pass you by. Life is too short to hang on to the bad/negative/crappy stuff that is going on. Make your heart right with God everyday and that is ALL that matters.

2. Time goes by WAY faster than you think. Was it just me or did the holidays come and go in a flash? I wish I could have captured it all on video because I am sure I missed something somewhere along the way.

3. It is flipping cold outside. Seriously, where did this come from? My poor puppy loves the snow but her paws are like icicles when she comes inside.

4. I have an amazing group of friends and family and I should let them know more often that they are amazing. They all have the ability to lift me up when I am in need, and I need to do that for them. Everyone needs to know they are loved and 2010 is going to be the year I share that with them. I PROMISE.

5. There is no such thing as a "routine". I will try with all my heart to be on a schedule, and it never fails that something will change. I will need to learn to "go with the flow" a little more and not freak out when my child decides to stay up until Midnight on NYE just because she wants to party with all of us. She still slept well once we put her to bed and continued to the next night. I should know better, she's my child and she likes to party. HA!

6. There is no place like home. Period. End of story.

7. I love my life.

8. Pumping breastmilk at work is embarrasing. Ask me and I'll tell you a funny story about a phone call, my boss, and a leaky faucet. It's not pretty. :)

9. My child will be baptized on February 28th. I look forward to giving her life to God once again and asking him to watch over her. For she is his miracle and his good works. She is his child and I am honored to be her mommy. I love you Paighton!

10. 2010 is going to be a year filled with love, laughter and life. I can't wait!


1 comment:

Alissa said...

Okay, I've GOTTA hear the story about pumping!! Email or call me when you get the chance!

And I really hated pumping, especially at work. Right there with ya!