Friday, May 14, 2010

Behind door #2....

Um, two posts in one day? It's amazing. Never to be seen again in the history of blogging. Ha!

It's been a hell of a day at sea kids, and I have been mentally cataloging all the things to update you about. So here goes.....

1. I recently made a purchase that has me excited about...well just excited in general. I had been wanting one for a while and can't wait to start on a project. What is it you ask?

Yep, a sewing machine. Why you ask? Because I have been wanting to start making things for myself. I see all of these fabulous dresses/bags/baby clothes and I KNOW that I can make them. My mom has been helping me understand the construction of projects and I have been practicing on the machine. With lined paper. No joke. The machine and I are one. :) I haven't sewn one single item (again, unless you count my pages and pages of lined paper :)) but I can't wait to start. My plan is to head to JoAnn's this weekend. My first project is one of the fabric diaper/wipes cases. The construction is pretty easy and the stitch doesn't have to be fancy, so I'm going to give it a whirl. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Btw-did I mention that I bought this machine BRAND NEW off of Craigslist? This sweet lady was moving to AZ and never even opened the box. Hello! It's like we were meant to be together. I got it at a SWEET deal. Seriously. I heart this sewing machine. A lot. Don't tell Ryan.

2. My beautiful baby girl is 8 months old. Seriously. Again, not joking. 8 months. I miss her terribly every day and she truly is the highlight to my entire day/week/month/year. She doesn't have any teeth yet. I think they are coming, she's had a runny nose, no fever and chewing (more like inhaling) her thumb lately. Poor baby. She's almost crawling. Paighton is pretty small for her age and I think she's just having some troubles supporting herself. She loves to stand and will let go of my hands immediately once up. Wondering if that's a sign of things to come? :) What doesn't surprise me at all is the amount of "talking" she does. Seriously, this kid has an entire conversation with herself. (shocking right?) We have a "Parent's As Teachers" program here and our teacher just came to visit on Monday night. Her comment was "I'm very impressed by her vocal ability". I wish someone would have told me that when I was younger instead of giving me a pink slip. Boo. *for those of you not familiar with a pink slip, see detention in the dictionary. :) She is truly amazing and I LOVE that she is my baby girl. It's fun just to spend time on the floor together and watch her learn new things. Her personality is very much like Ryan. She is very laid back and takes most things in stride. The teeth, not so much, but we'll get there.

3. Ryan had surgery. Again. No not on his heart, but he had a cyst removed from his back. He was not amused by the "we have to put you out" part of the surgery, but did great and it only took 30 minutes. Quite a difference from last time! The cyst was nothing dangerous, it was some fancy name that I don't remember, but he's A-OK. Except for the fact that he's on blood thinners which makes the healing process a little longer. Not fun for him, but I told him I would send him my bill in the mail. Alissa-I don't know how you do it everyday! And he's my husband!

4.  My parents were down to visit earlier this month and brought their old treadmill. Um yes, it's been a while since the whole breastfeeding thing stopped, and my anxiety has lead to more and more pounds. Not amused. Therefore I need to get back on the Horse (aka treadmill) and get rid of the CRAP that is weighing me down. Literally and figuratively. Before I got pregnant with Paighton, I was running 3+ miles a day. And I'm NOT a runner. But it felt good and it was always a way to get my aggressions out. And trust me, lately, I am desperately in need of that. So, back on I go.

5. The future. It's always changing. To make a long story short, I need out. I need out of the 10 hour days, working weekends, 24hr on call nonsense that is my job. Do I love what I do? Absolutely. Am I pretty good at it? Yep, yep I am. Is my job as a mommy more important than this job? Do I really need to answer that for you? :) So, my mind has been in a whirlwind lately. I am praying very hard that a new direction opens up for me and that I am brave enough to step into it. Would I love to start an Etsy store and stay home with Paighton and be creative. Uh yeah. Would I just like to quit my job all together and stay home regardless. Uh, yep. And I do know that I sound like a broken record, which really means that I need to get off my duff and do something about it. I have been looking for other jobs and have been on a few interviews, but nothing has worked out yet. I am trying my best to think outside the box on this one. So, my fabulous friends, if you've got any ideas, I'll take em. It's time. It's time for Sarah to step forward and be open to a new direction, whatever that may be. I promise Paighton everyday that I love her and I'm going to make it work. And I can't fail at that promise. I just can't.

Whew, #5 was a SERIOUS one! Didn't mean to get SO serious, but I'm doing an update, and that's been a big part of my everyday stress/thoughts etc.

Well kids, since I was up every 3 hours last night trying to comfort my baby girl and her extremely stubborn teeth, I am going to head to bed (yes, it's 9:15 pm, please don't judge) :). I love all of you and have missed you. So I will really try to keep this updated. I'm already thinking of things for tomorrows post.

Love to you all! Thanks for reading!

P.S. I am also thinking I need to give my new sewing machine a name. I feel like we've bonded and I don't even know her name. HA! ( I crack myself up-that or it's getting late and I'm so tired that I've moved onto loopy). If you have any suggestions, let me know. Maybe she and I could whip you up something as a prize!!!!!

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Hmmmm, so much to say and I don't have the words... follow your heart, which it sounds like you are doing. God has doors down the road for you that you can't see yet.

As far as a name for the sewing machine (not to mention the fact that you got off your duff and bought one, as I have been thinking about such a purchase for a while) - I'm thinking something along the lines of sweet 'n sassy Singer - fits you to a T.

Okay maybe that name sucks, I'll keep thinking.